March 11, 2011

Newness from Rhymesayers Ent- Grieves and Budo/ Atmosphere

Rhymesayers Entertainment have been known for a while as the best story tellers in the league. Have you ever heard one those old-school radio narratives on your way to 6 a.m hockey practice? If not, its what old folk did before they figured out the television. The poetic skill of Slug has always reminded me of a story that you make your own movie to. Not sure how I feel about the electric guitar influenced beat on "She's Enough" but the track is the first teaser from Atmospheres next record "The Family Sign" and does not disappoint on the lyrical end. It kinda reminds me of Macklemore's "Magic" but unfortunately the beat never calms down. regardless, its new Atmosphere so be happy.

Atmosphere- She's Enough

As excited as I am for this new project, Slug and Ant aren't the only ones doing work over at Rhymesayers. Grieves and Budo come at us with a smooth piano beat that is almost as calming as the inspiring lyrics from Grieves. I have always seen the potential in Grieves and couldn't happier that he's on a record label that supports him to create the music HE wants to make (unlike Lupe apparently). The two entertain the idea that "you need to slow down every once and a while" before life rolls on by. My home boy Ferris Bueller once said "Life moves pretty fast... If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it". Seems like a good idea. So relax already

Grieves and Budo- Lightspeed

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