May 4, 2011

Ladyhawke - "My Delirium"

So I've been a ghost as of lately. Graduating university, moving out, and trying on various pairs of big boy pants has taken it's toll on me, so in the next few minutes I'm going to try to get back on this musical horse. Coming from school into real life has been a trip. It's weird to think that this is the point where I'll be setting the direction for what the rest of my life will consist of. As I arrange my future I struggle to find that middle ground between making money and having a time, as although in some cases these are not mutually exclusive, if you want to be real it seems like you're almost always going to have to sacrifice one for the other. Why am I telling you all this? For some reason the music I end up listening to always seems to reflect whats going on in my life, and my latest addiction of Ladyhawke's My Delirium sums up whats happening to a tee. The simple hooks based on 80's guitar riffs set the stage for this reality escaping song, and Ladyhawke aka. Pip Brown, brings that shy coolness up from New Zealand which I can't get enough of during this post-graduation haze. I originally came across the track in Forum's recent snowboarding production, F it, where the youngbloods add even more life to her song. Enjoy their part, and the track below.

Ladyhawke - My Delirium

Forum's F it - YoungBloods (Full Part)

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