March 7, 2011

Embrace The "Frat Rap" with The Deans List "The Drive In Mix-Tape"

"My Chuck Taylor habits got me spitten Converses"

How all these college kids in the Americaland manage to start and maintain rap careers has always amazed me. Following in the footsteps of artists like Chiddy Bang and Sam Adams, The Deans List embrace their drunken college lifestyles while making beats and writing rhymes. As most of these "Frat Rap" artists tend to have a drink or ten from time to time there is a lot of electro influenced production from deans list beat maker Mike Beats but the boys also maintain their hip-hop roots through DJ Mendoza. Could this be attributed to their party lifestyle, very possible but the album also features some eclectic rhyming from rapper Sonny Shottz. As rap lyrics have always been centered around personal experience, the fact that these youngens are still living the college dream should not discredit the fact that the Boston trio have a legitimate future in hip-hop. The Drive In Mix-tape was sponsored by and does not disappoint as a collective project, the fact that its free below is just a bonus... enjoy

My personal favorites are party jam "La Vie" (The Life), "No Sleep", and "The People"

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