December 8, 2013

Sol- "Turn Me Loud" VIDEO + Nelson Mandela Salute

This past year or so has been an absolute whirl wind for fans of Macklemore and Seattle hip-hop in general. As Macklemore has been nominated for best song, best album and best new artist of the year it's clear that Seattle has solidified itself within rap legitimacy. The general aura around this new found music scene is that the artists who comprise it seem to be a very tight knit group of individuals. A passionate love for life and the experiences whether good or bad that it entails, seems to be the relevant connection between them. 

Sol is no different in the fact that he lets his emotions drive his music. He spent a year traveling the world and came back as his album title alludes to with his "Eye's Open" to the injustices of the world. With the stellar visuals for "Turn Me Loud" Sol expresses the power of his voice and the joy he gets from experiencing crowds of fans who share in his passions. As the death of Nelson Mandela helps us understand that our voice and beliefs should never stifled, It is up to gentlemen like Sol and Macklemore to express these thoughts to our often misguided youth. Like every other musical medium, there is change. It was once the b-boy then the thug that dominated rap and now we've woven a mosaic of difference for hip-hop for fans to enjoy.  

Sol saluted Mandela in a recent Facebook post and dedicated one of his most recently released songs to the man who has helped changed political thinking forever: 

Today we say goodbye to one of the most inspiring human beings in all of history. The embodiment of hope and forgiveness, Nelson Mandela taught us how to love our enemies and grow together. In the five weeks I spent in South Africa, despite their many current problems it was all of the forward thinking young South Africans influenced and raised by Mandela that I met that gave me such excitement about S.A.'s future. Thank you for your contribution to humanity and Rest In Power. #NelsonMandela

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