November 5, 2011

Olu- 5am (Lily Allen Sample)

I was recently perusing the radio waves the other day and I came across this unreal Lily Allen sample. The unfortunate part of it was the fact that T-Pain was singing on it. I give the man credit for making his auto-tune business pretty damn popular, but my first thought when hearing this sample was "if only an actual rapper went off on this". Since the sexy voiced Lily Allen is apparently no longer making music, I assume that a vast amount of rappers will be utilizing her chilled out samples in the near future. But until then our old friend Olu has done his part to make better use of Lily's song. As I've kinda fallen off the block of blogging regularly, I have also fallen off following artists like Olu who unfortunately do not regular many popular music sites. I sometimes question his choice in beats but I do enjoy his flow, especially over beats like these... enjoy

Olu- 5am featuring Lily Allen

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