April 25, 2010

Join the Rebellion: StartYourOwnRebellion

I first heard SYOR a couple months ago and I wasn’t sure that they deserved a blog post but since I’ve gotten the three leaks from their upcoming release titled LP3020, they have really grown on me. LP3020 is hardly based on a new concept, SYOR uses songs from Ratatat’s albums for all the production and MC’s Maza Kid.Digit-∅ and Ceddy lay down verses. Producer 07017 touches up the Ratatat beats. This idea has been done a thousand times before but SYOR’s style seems to fit the Ratatat songs much better than others. SYOR has a pretty interesting/weird “mission statement” and they seem to have pretty vivid imaginations as you can see from their self-description:

We are S.Y.O.R

Our members are Maza, Kid.Digit-ΓΈ, Ceddy and 07017. We have come together to free the world from the evil Cozack Corporation.

For the last 700 years, every single Global President has been under the control of Kerry A. Cozack through an advanced version of the civilian chips you have lodged in your forearms. Aside from being watched constantly, you are also being robbed of your freedom to express yourselves as individuals. It is said that the most dangerous man in these times is an inspired one. Well, we're inspired, and wont stop until everyone knows the truth.

We encourage you all to remove your civilian chips and live under the radar.

Pretty interesting if you ask me, but the music is sick. They are on J-Cole’s label Dreamville and feature him on a song from the upcoming release. Check our more of the crazyness at http://www.startyourownrebellion.com/ or just listen to these songs:

StartYourOwnRebellion – Let it go (feat. J.Cole)

StartYourOwnRebellion – Million Miles Away

StartYourOwnRebellion – Special

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